So How Can Your Club Or District Support Keeley’s Cause?
So How Can Your Club Or District Support Keeley’s Cause?

The Story Behind Keeley’s Cause
After recognising the value of Keeley’s Cause, the Ballan Lions Club wholeheartedly embraced it as a Lions Project, igniting the rapid growth of the cause. With Keeley’s relentless efforts and the support of generous donations, including contributions from assisting clubs like Coburg and The Ballan Lioness Club, the funds for the first six iPads were successfully raised. These iPads were presented to children in Ballarat in February 2018, with the invaluable support of Cather King, Labour MP for Ballarat, and Samantha McIntosh, Ballarat Mayor at the time.
Keeley’s Cause then went on to become a Lions Distrit Club Project for Lions District 201v1- 4 which has approximately 72 clubs across Victoria as part of the District that can ultimately provide support through funds and volunteer assistance.
There are a number of Lions Clubs and Districts across Australia with an estimated 1200 clubs and 19 Districts of the 201 District that cover Australia and PNG.
As an International Organisation Lions have an estimated 1.3 million men and women Lions clubs members in 205 countries which commenced in Chicago, Illinois USA in 1917 founded by Melvin Jones
Lions clubs are places where individuals join together to give their valuable time and effort to improving their communities, and the world. To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.
Lions are groups of service-minded men and women who are interested in improving their communities. To become a Lion is to become an active volunteer, a member of a respected international organisation, a leader in your community and a friend to people in need.
Many projects and foundations are supported and created by Lions including: Lions Childhood Cancer Research, Lions Emergency Response, Lions Assistance Dogs, Diabetes, Drought relief, and more.
So if you’d like to know more about becoming a Lions Club member in your area or state please visit the following link for more information:
So How Can Your Club Or District Support Keeley’s Cause?
If you are already a part of a Lions Club and would like to donate to Keeley’s Cause and assist children with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities with providing iPads you can click on the donate link below designed especially for Lions Clubs and their members where you can donate as a fellow lion member or as a Lions Club.
No donation is too small every dollar counts. Your Club has the choice to make a general donation of any size or if your Club would like to Sponsor an iPad/iPads there’s an option for that too
Keeleys Cause often require the assistance of local Lions Clubs to present iPads on our behalf to members of their Communities-with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities that we may be unable to attend due to distance, travel, remote locations or other circumstances and prior commitments.
If you would also like your Club assist or to take Keeleys Cause as a Project in your area then please contact Keeleys Cause Direct by sending an email to the following address OR alternatively you can contact us via our contact page on our website at
We appreciate the wonderful support of Lions Australia and the many Clubs who have already made donations and contributions to the Charity, with many having Sponsered IPads and me their recipients.
To Lions we say THANK YOU for Supporting Keeley’s Cause.