Reflecting on 2020 for Keeley’s Cause!
Reflecting on 2020 for Keeley’s Cause!
Written by Colin Wilson, Advisory Chair of Keeley’s Cause
Without doubt, 2020 has been a tough year for many people, especially our young autistic children and teenagers or those with an intellectual disability. Keeley’s Cause is an organisation to help our loved ones in need. It was founded by Keely at the age of 13. Now 16 she is aiming to grow her organisation. Unfortunately, this year has definitely restricted the foundation and its ability to fundraise. These events and fundraisers are incredibly important to the community in order to donate much needed items to struggling families. However, this remarkable teenager has persevered in order to help better her community. If you are not aware of Keeley’s Story, then we recommend you learn more about this wonderful teenager.
As we reflect on what Keeley has achieved this year, we are all amazed by the wonderful organisations and people who have endorse her great cause. Keely has received a number of awards in 2020 for her amazing work. They include:
- 2021 Young Australian of The Year Award Finalist for Victoria
- Winner in the Westfield Local Hero Award for Airport West
- Winner in the Princess Diana Award – UK July 1st 2020
- Winner – Aspect Recognition Award – David Foster Award
- Certificate of Appreciation Australia Day 2020 – Mayor Moorabool Shire
- Victorian Regional Achievement Award – Awards Australia- Finalist Community Hero
- Winner Access and Inclusion Award – Moorabool Shire Council
As well as the above, Keeley also completed a Social Impact Project with the Western Bulldogs Football Club. She worked with, and was a part of, their Leadership Program to highlight just how much children, teenagers and young people can suffer with anxiety and depression, especially if they have a disability. We are so proud of Keeley and grateful to all the supporters, sponsors and ambassadors who are behind the great initiatives of this young entrepreneur. Although we have tried our best to raise awareness and funds, we know that there is a heap of room of improvement. While we’ve been restricted by the challenges of COVID-19, but we have some incredible events planned for 2021. Stay tuned!
There are many non-for-profit organisations doing wonderful things to help people in need, and Keeley’s Cause is one of them. This year a team of wonderful professionals have assisted Keeley’s Cause to ensure this organisation can grow and support more people like Keeley.
You can donate as a company or as an individual (tax deductable) at If you are person that likes to shop and thinking about something for Christmas, or just want to get behind this organisation, then check out what items that are available for purchase
Stay tuned for what is coming with our ambassadors of Bethany Fisher, Tim Bone and Ella Pardy. They have committed to playing a big part in some of our events in 2021. We want to say thank you to Lions Australia who have continually supported Keeley’s Cause with their commitment and contribution.
At Keeley’s Cause there is a team of volunteers who contribute to make this organisation bigger and stronger. We would like to give special recognition to Sharon, who supports Keeley in everything she wants to achieve. Sharon is so determined and amazing and we know that an organisation does not exist without a driving force behind it. I speak on behalf of Keeley’s Cause. We want to say thank you for everyone involved with wonderful organisation. It is you who make a difference to so many children, teenagers, and young people in need. We want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a very safe 2021 New Year! If you would like to know more about Keeley’s Cause, please see our website and feel free to contact us with any enquiry!